If you are looking for help, why not try these numbers...

There are very few people that at some time in the life do not need help. No matter how difficult your life has become there are always options and it is never too late to talk with someone who might be able to help. At the very end of this list of contacts and numbers you can fill out a form and we will have someone willing to talk to you and if we can help, we will.


A number of organisations can help you with a variety of addictions, regardless of whether it is alcohol or drugs.

Stauros Foundation

The Stauros Foundation mainly deals with addictions related to alcoholism and drug abuse. They have highlighted the following areas as the vision of their ministry and the help they seek to offer:

  • Reaching out to people who have substance abuse and/or addiction problems.
  • Caring for people through one-to-one pastoral appointments.
  • Leading people into a living faith in Jesus Christ
  • Helping people overcome the lifestyle challenges of addiction.
  • Teaching people Biblical truths and principles.

Telephone number: (028) 9082 5058


Address: 29 Straidhavern Road, Nutts Corner, Crumlin, BT29 4SN

Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge UK is a registered charity that operates nationally to help young people who have developed life-controlling problems, especially drug and alcohol addictions, and also to offer preventative help to those who may be in danger of doing so.

Teen Challenge UK started in 1968 and now works in fifteen locations in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Teen Challenge London and Teen Challenge Strathclyde grew out of Teen Challenge UK and are now affiliated works. 

The goal of Teen Challenge UK is to help people become mentally sound, physically well, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted & spiritually alive.

Telephone Number: 07464 164335

Web Address: http://www.teenchallenge.org.uk/ 

Email Address: belfast@teenchallenge.org.uk

Christian Family Centre

Christian Family Centre is located in the County Antrim village of Armoy, Northern Ireland. It exists as a place of prayer, learning, hospitality, and recovery. Our ministry is especially focused on those who have been affected by addictions of any kind. People have sought help here from all over the UK and Ireland, and other places around the world such as Holland and South Africa. Some have come for one-off prayer ministry and counsel; others have come to stay for many months, in order to work through some of the most complex issues that human beings can face.

Telephone Number: 028 2075 1307

Web Address: https://cfcni.org/our-story/

Address: 21 Carrowreagh Rd, Armoy, Ballymoney BT53 8SX


It is never too dark that you have to give up. The journey back will be to talk to someone who cares and whom you can trust, no matter how difficult that might be. Please have the courage to telephone or make contact with the following people.


Shout is a confidential, text-based support service, offering support 24/7. It is free to text from all major mobile networks in the UK.

Text: SHOUT to 85258 (open 24/7)
Website (live chat support available): giveusashout.org


Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair.

Call: 0808 808 8000 (24/7, free of charge)
Website: lifelinehelpline.info


Many areas today operate with foodbanks and it is essential that no one ever goes hungry as there is always an opportunity to find support and help. The following organisations can assist you and we suggest that if you need help you make contact with them.

Ballymena Foodbanks

“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.”

We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Telephone Number: 028 2542 2543

Web Address: https://ballymena.foodbank.org.uk/

Address: Green Pastures Church, 1 Faith Avenue, The Gateway, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, BT42 3FF.

Debt Management

The problem with debt can with proper consultation and management be addressed. The following organisations can assist you in both helping you to reduce debt and put together a strategy of being able to avoid it in the future.


Cap has been working in Northern Ireland since 2009, helping hundreds of people go debt-free in that time. 

Their free debt service is available right across Northern Ireland, from the Causeway Coast to the Mourne Mountains, Larne to Enniskillen.

Their network also works with people from all parts of Northern Ireland through our community-based groups, with our Life Skills courses helping people live better on a limited budget or get back into employment through our Job Clubs.

Telephone Number: 0800 328 0006

Web Address: https://capuk.org/